PHY 436: Solid State Physics II

3 credits | Prerequisites: PHY 101, PHY 102, MAT 104, PHY203

Course rationale

This is one of the elective courses offered by the university, which fulfills the requirement for graduates who wish to major in Physics. The course forms a one-year standard course in Solid State Physics. PHY203 is a prerequisite course for this course It is highly recommended that the students must have a fair amount of background in mathematics. Especially, knowledge of Calculus will be required sometimes. The course will lay emphasis mainly on a physical description of processes rather than complicated mathematical derivations.

Course content

Electrical properties in metals: electrical conductivity at high frequencies; dielectric response of an electron gas; motion in magnetic fields; electron in a periodic potential; approximate solution near a zone boundary; number of orbital in a band; construction of Fermi surface. Review of Semiconductor: Energy Levels and Energy Bands, Classification of solids in terms of energy bands; Bonds in semiconductor; Intrinsic & Extrinsic semiconductor; n-type & p-type semiconductor; p-n junction; semiconductor diode; forward/reverse bias; I-V curve. Dielectric Properties: Macroscopic electric field; Local field; Dielectric constant; Electronic; ionic and orientation polarizabilities; Clausius-Mossotti relation: Measurement of dielectric constant; general properties of ferroelectric materials; dipole theory of ferroelectricity; spontaneous polarization; ferroelectric domain; piezoelectricity & pyroelectricty; relaxation and dielectric losses; electromechanical transducers. Magnetic properties of solids: Langevin’s dia- and paramagnetism; quantum theory of paramagnetism; paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electron; ferri and ferromagnetism; anti-ferromagnetism; ferrites; Curie-Weiss law; Heisenberg model; spin waves; magnetic relaxation and resonance phenomena. Superconductivity: Basic properties of superconductors; Type-1 and Type-2 superconductors; critical field; Meissner effect; thermodynamics of superconductors: London equations; penetration depth; coherence length; superconductors; modern theory. of superconductivity; high TC superconductors. Optical phenomena in solids: color of crystal; exactions; photoconductivity; phosphorescence; excitations and emission; electro-luminescence. Defects in solids: Point defects; lattice vacancies; diffusion; dislocations.

Course objectives

  1. Familiarize and memorize the basic concept of Electrical, magnetic and optical properties of solids.
  2. Familiarize and memorize the energy bands in semiconductors and their current-voltage characteristics and biasing.
  3. Understand and memorize the dielectric, ferroelectric properties, piezo and pyroelectricity orientation of polarizabilities,
  4. Recognize and solve numerical problems related to dielectric constants and dielectric losses using the proper mathematical forms, like algebra and basic calculus.
  5. Familiarize and remember the basic concepts of the quantum theory of Para magnetism, and the paramagnetic susceptibility of conduction electrons.
  6. Understand and remember Curie-Weiss law, Heisenberg’s model, spin waves, magnetic relaxation, and resonance.
  7. Familiarize and memorize the basic properties of superconductors, the thermodynamics of superconductors, and the modern theory of superconductivity.
  8. Familiar with and memorize Optical phenomena in solids like, the color of crystal; exactions, photoconductivity, phosphorescence, excitations, and emission, electro-luminescence.


  1. The Modern theory of Solids: Blakemore; J. S.: Cambridge University Press; 1st edition.
  2. Solid State Physics: Philadelphia.: Neil. W. Ashcroft and N. David. Mermin; Cornell University Sauncers Co.: Lott et al.: 2nd edition.
  3. An introduction to Solid State Physics: C. Kittle; John Wiley and Sons; N.Y: John Wiley & Sons: 8th edition.
  4. Introduction to Solid State Physics: A. J. Dekker; Prentice-Hall N.J: L.V. Azaroff, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd
  5. Introductory Solid State Physics: H. P. Myers: CRC Press: 2nd edition.