IUB students on SPARQ
Two consecutive SPARQ events took place in Independent University, Bangladesh on 11 October 2019 and 1 November 2019. Two IUB Students from the Department of Physical Sciences have given talks in the event. Shafakat Arifeen a Physics major gave a talk on Introduction to Matrix model and Raufoon Shafiq, a Mathematics major gave a talk on an Introduction to Spin Networks. SPARQ stands for Strings, Particles, Astrophysics, Relativity and Quantum Computing. This is a recurring workshop series whose primary aim is to enable socialization and networking between like-minded individuals whose career paths lie in SPARQ’s directions. SPARQ was inspired by the UK Cosmology Workshop started by Anne Davis from Cambridge. SPARQ workshops are usually held every first Friday of every month. The workshop venues will rotate among the institutions of Bangladesh. The secretariat and organizing committee is based at BRAC University, but University of Dhaka and IUB also arranges this event.