ANT 101: Introduction to Anthropology

3 credits | Prerequisites: none

Course rationale

This course is the study of human beings. Now the question is what is distinctive about studying human beings? Each and every discipline studies human beings. Yes true. However, unlike anthropology, they study human beings partially. Anthropology is about studying human beings and their culture holistically. That is to say, we study human culture and evolution from all angles. In our class, we will maintain a comfortable environment so that students feel free to ask questions regarding human culture and civilization.

Course content

Holistic approach in anthropology, cultural change, and adaptation, Branches of anthropology: Cultural anthropology, ethnography, and ethnology, physical anthropology, archeological anthropology, Linguistic anthropology, applied anthropology, anthropology and sociology, political science and economics, Anthropology and humanities, psychology and history, Ethnographic field methods: participant observation, interviewing, genealogical method, life history, etc.

Course objectives

  1. This course aims to understand human culture and society from empirical and theoretical perspectives.
  2. It will enable students to learn about cultural diversity, appreciate cultural relativism, and apply it in their
  3. They will learn about different human phenomena like language and communication, economic activities,
    kinship relationship, marriage and other issues.
  4. They will come to know about sub-branches of anthropology, ethnographic fieldwork techniques and
  5. This course will prepare them to have a clear idea about diverse human groups.


  1.  Kottak Conrad Phillip (2011) Cultural Anthropology [14th edition ], New York: McGraw-Hill.